National Tourism Competition @ UPH Jakarta

National Tourism Competition
@ UPH Jakarta

National Tourism Competition
@ UPH Jakarta
In this grand event APP-DA made a surprise because it was able to bring home medals in the Scientific Paper Competition by defeating strong teams that were favored such as; STP Trisakti Jakarta, Binus University Jakarta, Team 2 of STP Bali International, Untag Prima Cirebon University, and Telcom University Jakarta, and almost defeated the host of Universitas Pelita Harapan (UPH) Jakarta with a very slight difference in value. In this amazing competition, 20 universities throughout Indonesia participated. Sumatra sent three representatives namely; APP-DA Sumut, AKPAR Padang-Sumbar, and Palembang-South Sumatra Polytechnic. Whereas the Palembang Polytechnic, which took down its team this year, 25 (twenty-five) students failed to bring home the medal.
We’re from The APP-DA team would like to say big thanks to Mrs. Sariaty Pr. Siregar Br. Pardede as the President of the UDA, ISTP, APP Foundation, and mainly to Mr. Cand. Doctor Gonggom Siregar, Mrs. Binur P. Napitupulu, the Directress of APP-DA, Mrs. Dameria Girsang as the vice Directress 1, all lectures, staff, and as well as all the students of APP-DA Medan for prayer, support, and guidance. God bless us abundantly.
BRAVO DARMA AGUNG – BRAVO APP-DA. See you again at Campus. bye …………….

Dalam event akbar ini APP-DA membuat kejutan karena mampu membawa pulang medali dalam bidang Scientific Paper Competition dengan mengalahkan tim-tim kuat yang difavoritkan seperti; STP Trisakti Jakarta, Binus University, Tim 2 STP Bali International, Untag Prima Cirebon University, serta Telcom University, dan nyaris mengalahkan tuan rumah Universitas Pelita Harapan (UPH) Jakarta dengan perbedaan nilai yang sangat tipis. Dalam perlehatan akabar yang diikuti oleh 20 Universitas seluruh Indonesia. Sumatera mengirimkan tiga wakilnya yakni; APP-DA Sumut, AKPAR Padang-Sumbar dan Poltekpar Palembang- Sumatera Selatan. Sedangkan Poltekpar Palembang yang menurunkan timnya tahun ini sebanya 25 (dua puluh lima) mahasiswa gagal membawa pulang medali.
We’re from The APP-DA team would like to say big thanks to Ibu Sariaty Pr. Siregar Br. Pardede as the President of the UDA, ISTP, APP Foundation, and mainly to Bapak Cand. Doctor Gonggom Siregar, Ibu Binur as the Directress of APP-DA, Ibu Dameria Girsang as the vice directress 1, all lectures, Staff, and as well all the students of APP-DA Medan for the prayer, support, and guidance. May God bless us abundantly.
BRAVO DARMA AGUNG – BRAVO APP-DA. See you again at Campus.